Axio Imager A1
Upright microscope equipped with a MRC camera, transmitted-light and reflected-light. It is used in biology and medicine for the examination of blood and/or tissue specimens, as well as for materials examinations.
1.25x EC Plan-Neofluar 1.25x/0.03 M27 (WD 4.0mm)
5x A-Plan 5x/0.12 (WD 9.9mm)
10x EC Plan-Neofluar 10x/0.3 (WD 5.2mm)
40x A-Plan 40x/0.65 (WD 0.45mm)
63x EC Plan-Neofluar 63x/1.4 Oil (WD 0.19mm)
100x A-Plan 100x/1.25 Oil (WD 0.15mm)

Axio Observer Z1
Fully motorized inverted widefield microscope, ideal for live imaging experiments. It is equipped with a perfusion chamber and valves and heated platform, used to perform life cell imaging. It is also linked to an ultra high-speed wavelength switching xenon arc lamp Lambda DG-4 system for calcium imaging experiments.
5x A-Plan 5x/0.12 (WD 9.9mm)
10x A-Plan 10x/0.25 Ph1 Var1 M27 (WD 4.5mm)
20x LD Plan-Neofluar 20x/0.4 Corr Ph1 Ph2- M27 (WD 7.9 / CG 0.75)
40x LD Plan-Neofluar 40x/0.6 Corr Ph2 M27 (WD 2.9 / CG 0.75)
40x * Fluar 40x/1.3 Oil (WD 0.16mm)
63x Plan-Apochromat 63x/1.4 Oil (WD 0.19mm)
100x EC Plan-Neofluar 100x/1.3 Oil M27 (WD 0.2mm)
* For calcium imaging experiments
Filter Sets
Set 20
Excitation BP 546/12 | Beamsplitter FT 560 | Emission BP 575-640
Set 38 HE
Excitation BP 470/40 (HE) | Beamsplitter FT 495 (HE) | Emission BP 525/50 (HE)
Set 49
Excitation G 365 | Beamsplitter FT 395 | Emission BP 445/50
Set 21 HE *
Excitation 340/30 - 387/15 (HE) | Beamsplitter FT 409 (HE) | Emission BP 510/90 (HE)
Set 48 **
Excitation BP 436/20 | Beamsplitter FT 455 | Emission BP 535/30
* For calcium imaging (FURA-2) experiments | ** For FRET [CFP/YFP shift free (E)] experiments

Axio Imager Z2
Upright microscope with motorized Z-drive and TFT monitor, equipped with two high performance microscopy cameras. The system is supplied with two softwares: 1) the ZEN 2.5 PRO controls the microscope and the cameras, allowing the acquisition of multidimensional images (multi-channel, z-stack, tiles or multi-positions); and 2) the Stereo Investigator to perform stereological studies.
5x EC Plan-Neofluar 5x/0.16 M27 (WD 18.5mm)
20x Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.8 M27 (WD 0.55mm)
40x Plan-Apochromat 40x/1.3 Oil DIC M27 (WD 0.21mm)
63x Plan-Apochromat 63x/1.4 Oil DIC M27 (WD 0.19mm)
Filter Sets
Set 31
Excitation BP 565/30 | Beamsplitter FT 585 | Emission BP 620/60
Set 38 HE
Excitation BP 470/40 (HE) | Beamsplitter FT 495 (HE) | Emission BP 525/50 (HE)
Set 49
Excitation G 365 | Beamsplitter FT 395 | Emission BP 445/50
Set 50
Excitation BP 640/30 | Beamsplitter FT 660 | Emission BP 690/50

LSM 710
Confocal point-scanning microscope able to generate high-resolution three-dimensional images of thick specimens with high sensitivity and low photodamage. It is an inverted microscope especially suitable for live cell imaging and photobleaching experiments, equipped with an incubator for temperature and humidity control and CO2 supply. It is equipped with lasers from violet (405 nm) to far red (633 nm) excitation wavelengths, where the user can specify which wavelength range wants to detect.
10x EC Plan-Neofluar 10x/0.30 (WD 5.2mm)
20x Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.80 (WD 0.55mm)
40x EC Plan-Neofluar 40x/1.30 Oil DIC M27 (WD 0.21mm)
63x Plan-Apochromat 63x/1.40 Oil (WD 0.19mm)
Diode 405-30
Wavelength 405 nm | Maximum power 30 nW
Wavelength 458, 488, 514 nm | Maximum power 25 nW
DPSS 561-10
Wavelength 561 nm | Maximum power 20 nW
HeNe 633
Wavelength 633 nm | Maximum power 5 nW